Sermon on Importance of Giving [Outline + Notes]

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Do you want to preach on the importance of giving? Are you looking for the perfect outline for a sermon on importance of giving? Well, this is the piece you are looking for. I have done a lot of studying to bring you a well-written and balanced outline on the importance of giving that can be used to preach a sermon or just share the perspective of scriptures about giving.

Sermon on importance of giving

Whether you want to teach a congregation or you just want to learn about giving and its importance, this guide will help you effortlessly. If you fall in the latter category, you might be a bit confused about the structure of the article and that’s because this post was written primarily for those who want to be preach about the topic.

Let’s get into it, anyways.

Outline for Sermon on Importance of Giving

Scripture Passage: 2 Cor 9:7


You can begin your introduction by talking about how giving is essential for our survival. Note that God didn’t call us to hoard wealth and resources but to give as much as we can. This is not to say we should waste resources. No, it is far from it. We are supposed to give to help others who might not have.

There are some important things you should note about giving:

  1. People should not be coerced or manipulated into giving. That is witchcraft no matter how sincere and genuine you are.
  2. People should give not because it is transactional but because giving is an instruction from God.
  3. Giving should be done after due consideration of God’s blessings and how it impacts His church and the people He has created.

Based on the third point, it is important to teach giving and its importance. Pastors should take note to not make their believers see God as being transactional. It is true that God blesses us but He doesn’t need us to give Him for Him to bless us.

God blesses us. He expects us to give and He gives us because He loves us. Not necessarily because we give. I hope this is clear enough.

Thankfully, there are blessings attached to giving which is captured in the importance of giving that this sermon is about.

It is quintessential to note that giving is going to be discussed on two fronts: giving to God and giving to those in need. We should give to God through tithes, offerings, freewill donations in church, and so on. Also, we should give to those in need, those who ask for our help, and those we are led to give to.

Both forms of giving are important and their benefits are what we will discuss in this piece.

Importance of Giving and Why You Should Give

There are about six (6) Biblical reasons why we should give to God and to those around us. We are going to see each point and scriptural basis that back each up.

1. Giving opens the window of God’s supply (Malachi 3:10)

As simple as this sounds, it is powerful. When we give to God, His word promises us that there would be an outpour of His blessings on us. This can be seen in the book of Malachi 3:10.

Importance of Giving

The Bible clearly says God will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on us when we give. The blessing according to the Bible would be too large we won’t be able to contain it. This is the promise of God.

While we don’t give because we expect God to double our giving, His promise is still His promise. And what He has said He will do, He will do.

2. Giving gives us access to the grace for sufficiency (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Giving gives us access to the grace for sufficiency

Paul admonishes us to give because God loves a cheerful giver and when he gets to verse 8 of 2 Corinthians 9, he makes a powerful declaration.

What that scripture means is that, God will give us a grace that will make us to have all the blessing, favor, and resource we need to not have to worry about any good thing we need to do.

It is like saying, if you saw someone begging on the road, you wouldn’t have to worry about what to give them. You will have enough to give them and more for yourself.

If you had a project, you wouldn’t need to borrow to complete it. If you needed to pay your child’s tuition, you wouldn’t need to worry about where the company would come from. That is what it means to have sufficiency that you can abound to every good work.

This grace comes when we give to God cheerfully. I am sure everyone covets this grace. You don’t want to depend on someone before you do the things you want to do. You want to meet people’s needs. You can do all that with a grace like this.

3. Giving secures your financial future (Eccl 11:1-6)

Another point on the sermon on importance of giving

When we give, we are securing our financial future. This is not to say when you give someone, you are expecting them to give back to you. No. It is a principle that when you give, you are going to get in return. It might not be from the person you gave to but God has a way of rewarding you for your good deeds.

When you read Proverbs 19:17,

Giving to the poor, lending to God

Giving to the poor is like lending to God. The Bible says God Himself will pay the person. God wouldn’t owe you. So, it doesn’t matter whether the poor person despises you after you give them, it is recorded by God that He owes you and He will pay speedily.

Another scripture that shows how giving, both to God and to those in need, helps to secure your financial future is in Hebrews 6:10,

Importance of giving sermon note

God isn’t unrighteous to forget your labour of love in giving to Him, His ministers, and those in need around you. He is sure to reward you. This is enough security for your finance.

4. Giving has rewards no matter how little (Matthew 10:41-42)

Importance of Giving to God

Giving can never go unrewarded. From the scripture we just saw, we can see that for any kind of giving performed, there’s an attendant reward.

Whether it is a prophet or a righteous man, meaning that, you can give to anyone and you are going to get a reward. In verse 42, there’s a promise that you will not lose the reward. You cannot miss the reward that would come to you by virtue of giving. God Himself controls the balances and He gives to everyone what they deserve.

5. There is blessedness in giving (Acts 20:35)

It is more blessed to give than to receive

Paul reminded the church that Jesus tells us to give because it is more blessed to give. Picture the feeling when you get something from someone. Oh, the joy. It is amazing, right?

Well, that feeling cannot be compared to the blessedness of giving. When you get something, the butterflies in your belly flutter all day and you feel happy and excited. But the blessings that come from giving are way beyond those feelings of excitement.

This is why you should cultivate the habit of giving.

6. Giving makes you an object of God’s Affection (2 Corinthians 9:7)

God loves a cheerful giver

Imagine God loving you more than normal. Yes, God loves us that is why He sent His son to die for our sins. However, 2 Corinthians 9:7 shows us that there’s a special love spot for those who are cheerful givers.

If you give to God, to people, to the things of God without murmuring and grumbling, you become an object of God’s affection. This is a position that comes with an overwhelming load of benefits.

From this point, you can lay claims on anything and you’ll get it effortlessly. This is the point where God makes all grace abound towards you. It is a good place to be.


Decide to be a giver, not because of the gains alone, but because of your love for God. When you love God, you will be willing to support His kingdom and help the people He has created.

Loving God is paramount. Without love, we are going to have a struggle with giving to God and making impacts in the lives of people around us.


Final Thoughts

Like I said when I started writing, your delivery shouldn’t be because you are enticing or trying to manipulate the people into giving. For these blessings to come on the people, they have to be led to give and they must do so cheerfully, without grudging.

As a preacher, your duty should be to teach the word and allow the Spirit of God do the conviction. So, teach and let God do His work on their hearts. Don’t force them to do things that would make them regret later.

Grace and peace to you.

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