10 Powerful Prayers to Recover Stolen Glory

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The Bible makes us understand that the thief (Satan) comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. God gives us great destinies but a lot of times either due to our carelessness or ignorance, the devil comes to manipulate us and steal our glory.

powerful prayers to recover stolen glory

A vivid example is recorded in 1 Kings 3:16-28 where two prostitutes who gave birth and lived in the same room had a funny exchange one night. One of them had slept on her baby and suffocated him. When she got up and noticed her dead baby, she quickly exchanged her dead baby for the living one and continued sleeping without the knowledge of her colleague.

It was not until morning came and the other lady tried to breastfeed her baby that she realized what had happened. This is the case with many of us. We do not realize that the devil has stolen from us and when we finally do, it may be too late.

Another case of something like one’s glory being stolen from them is Job. We know that it was the Devil that tempted Job and God only permitted him. In Job 19:9, Job says “He has stripped me of my glory and taken the crown from my head.” This is what the devil does. He strips men of their glory and many times we are oblivious of how he does it or when he does it.

The good news is we can pray to recover stolen glory. In this article, I have curated ten prayers to recover stolen glory with Bible verses to support each prayer. I have also tried to provide context to each prayer point so you can be inspired to pray even more.

10 Prayers to Recover Stolen Glory

The following are some of the prayer points to pray when you want to recover stolen glory with Bible verses:

My Father, Thank You Because I Know You Hear Me and You Are Ever Ready to Answer Me When I Call. Thank You Because I am Already on the Path to Recover and You’ll Hear Me As I Cry Today

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. – Phil 4:6

And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. – 1 John 5:15

Begin by appreciating God for the promise of prayer answers. God is ever ready to answer you when you call on His name. It is His will for us to receive answers to our prayers and one of the best ways to begin petitioning God is by appreciating Him for the other things He has done and the assurance of answers you have.

Lord, I Ask for a Complete Recovery of Everything I Have Lost (Joel 2:25)

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. – Joel 2:25

God has promised us in His word that He will restore all the years that the enemy has stolen from us. This is not limited to just years, times, or seasons alone. It refers to everything the enemy has taken from us. Hence, we can pray and ask God for restoration of everything the devil has taken from us.

Father, Have Mercy on Me If My Carelessness Has Caused Me to Lose My Glory. In Your Mercy, O Lord, Restore My Glory to Me (Deuteronomy 30:3)

That then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee – Deut 30:3

A prayer for mercy is never amiss when praying for the recovery of stolen glory. The reason is that you might have lost this glory because of your carelessness. You might have taken your prayer altar for granted or ignored God’s warnings which has led to it. In such a scenario, just blasting in tongues and asking for a restoration may seem arrogant.

Instead, we want to ensure we seek God’s mercies and ask Him by His mercies to restore the lost glory.

If My Carelessness Has Caused My Loss, Lord, Please Forgive Me (Matthew 13:25)

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. – Matthew 13:25

Following up on the previous prayer point, this one goes further into the idea that you might have been careless. Instead of just praying for mercy, you are asking for forgiveness. If we are being sincere, we can easily tell when we might have been careless. Carelessness in the spirit can be likened to sleeping and as the scripture puts it, when we sleep, the enemy goes to work.

Remember the first case I provided about the prostitutes in 1 Kings 3? While one slept, her baby was exchanged. You can ask God for forgiveness for being too careless or spiritually asleep which might have led to the loss of your glory.

Oh Lord, Restore My Lost Glory So That I May Rejoice and Be Glad in You (Psalm 14:7)

Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord restores His captive people, Then Jacob will rejoice, Israel will be glad. – Ps 14:7 (AMP)

One of the reasons why God will be willing to restore anything you have lost is so that you will be joyful and glad. God is very intentional about His people and would be willing to do anything to bring back the joy of His people. This is why this prayer point is very important.

By connecting this purpose for recovery, God will be compelled to restore. After all, that is what His word says in the scripture above.

Lord, Trouble Any Power or Personality That Has Stolen My Glory. Torment Them Until They Return It Immediately (Genesis 20:7)

Now, therefore, restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are thine – Gen 20:7

The anchor text for this prayer point is about Abraham, Sarah, and Abimelech. You will need to read the chapter to get a better context of the entire story. For a quick summary, Abimelech had taken Abraham’s wife, Sarah, because he was deceived to think she was his sister.

While Sarah was with Abimelech, God warned him to return Sarah to Abraham and not touch her. There is a way God will trouble anyone who has stolen your glory that they will have no choice but to return it. This same thing occurred with Pharoah in Genesis 12. He was warned by God not to touch Sarah. God can appear as a terror to anyone in possession of your glory and force them to return it to you speedily.

Oh Lord, For My Stolen Glory, Restore Double As You Promised in Isaiah 61:7

For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion, they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them. – Is 61:7

The scripture you just read says God plans to restore double for your shame. Some translations say He is going to restore double for your trouble. For whatever trouble the loss of your glory might have caused, God is ready to give you double in favor and abundance.

By asking God for double which is what He has promised in Isaiah 61:7, you are simply saying “God, you promised to do it and I am only making the demand.” God will not ignore His word and not answer you. There are definitely answers waiting for you as you pray.

Lord, What Must I Do For My Recovery to Happen? Reveal It to Me O Lord

A lot of times, there is something you need to do to recover your stolen glory. Praying for a recovery alone may not be sufficient to get the job done. If you are sensitive enough, God is going to tell you something you should do for the recovery to happen.

If you read through the scriptures, every time God wanted to act on behalf of His people, He gave them instructions. For Joshua and the Israelites, He told them to march around Jericho. For Jehoshaphat, He told them to put singers in front of the soldiers. There was never a time when God did something for people on the earth without their participation. If you must see results, you should inquire to know what God expects from you and be willing to do it.

Any Exchange That Must Have Taken Place Without My Knowledge, Anyway My Glory Has Been Stolen and Replaced with Something Else, Lord, I Come Against It in the Name of Jesus and Command a Restoration (1 Kings 3:20)

And she arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me, while thine handmaid slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom. – 1 Kings 3:20

Most times, what happens when we talk about stolen glory is an exchange. Your glory was exchanged and something that is not yours was handed to you. That is a satanic manipulation. Your prayer is that God should reverse that manipulation and cause a restoration.

If there’s any way someone has exchanged your glorious destiny for something that is a far cry from what God has preplanned for you, this is a good way to phrase your prayer point.

Oh Lord, In Your Sovereignty, Release a Decree for the Restoration of My Lost Glory (1 Kings 3:27)

Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof – 1 Kings 3:27

In the scripture above, the king made a decree that the child be restored to the rightful owner. As a King, God is able to make a decree to whoever is in custody of your glory for an immediate restoration. He is the Lord of Hosts which means there’s nothing that does not listen to Him. When He says a thing, everything in heaven and on earth is compelled to carry out the action.

So, asking God to release a decree in His sovereignty acknowledges the almigtiness of God and makes demands on a restoration.

Final Thoughts on Prayers to Recover Stolen Glory

The list of prayers to recover stolen glory is not exhaustive. I have provided context to each prayer point so that you can be inspired to pray more than the suggestions I have provided. Read through each prayer point, read the Bible verses provided, and go through the context. Trust that the Holy Spirit is going to guide you as you pray. You will recover everything the Devil has stolen from you in the name of Jesus.

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  1. I received a total restoration this afternoon. May God help me to serve him for the rest of my life is Jesus’ name. Amen

  2. Thank you Lord,the Great and Mighty restorer,for restoring my health,job opportunity, private classes,my finances,Visa and passport, money in my project of maths, physics and graph work books.Thank you for my delivereance,that of my wife and our children, family members and the less priveledge.

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