It is important that when you are about to make a decision, you seek the face of God. No matter how good the decision is, no matter how lovely or attractive it might be, seeking the face of God before making any decision is important.
If you need to take a decision or a step you have not made before, these prayers for guidance in decision making are very important. They are going to help you to make the right choices as directed by the Holy Spirit.
Why do you need the guidance of the Spirit of God when you want to make a decision?
Simple. The answer is in Jeremiah 10:23.
You are unable to direct your steps because you do not know tomorrow. As a man, you are unable to take the right decisions because you have no idea what the future holds.
It is even safer for you to trust God to give you insight before every step so that you do not make mistakes because He knows the end from the beginning.
Thankfully, He has promised to guide us and help us make the right decisions according to His word in Isaiah 30:21 and Psalm 32:8.
Here are prayers to say for guidance in the face of a decision.
15 Prayers for Guidance in Decision Making
- Father, thank You because I know that you will always hear and answer me. Lord, I am coming before you today because I need your help. I ask that you show me what I need to know about this decision and whether it is the right one to take,
- Lord. I want to know what your thoughts concerning this plan are. Is this something you want me to do or should I hold back and wait for another opportunity?
- Father, I am confused and do not know the right step to take. Like you showed Daniel in the dream of the night, Lord, I ask that you reveal the right step for me to take in the face of the decisions before me.
- Lord, I ask for clarity. I believe there is something I am missing and I need to see what that is so that I do not make a costly mistake.
- Father, show me a sign that this decision I am about to take is worth it and Lord help me understand the sign and not take it to mean something you are not saying.
- Father, I am faced with a serious dilemma. I believe that there is no confusion with you because you know the end from the beginning. I ask that you reveal your mind concerning this matter to me so that I know the right step to take.
- Lord, I refuse to take a step that you will not be involved in. I refuse to be rebellious to your promptings. If I am about to make a mistake with this decision I want to take, Lord by your mercy, show me what to do.
- Father, there is peace when I take a step you are in support of. Lord, I ask that you point me in the direction of peace and of your will. I do not want to exist outside of your will, O Lord, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I want my life to be in total synchrony with your timing and direction. I do not want to go ahead of you. I am comfortable with staying right behind you as you take the lead. So, Lord, if this decision is time, point me in the right direction, and if it isn’t teach my heart to wait.
- Father, I have made so many wrong decisions in the past but this time I want to be in your will. I do not want to be in a rush. But in your will and so Lord, I ask that you reveal your will to me concerning this matter, in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, there is nowhere I would rather be than in the middle of your will. I only want to go because you are saying I should go. So, Lord, should I take this decision or not.
- Father, you are the God of Light and with you there is no darkness. I am faced with decisions to make and it seems dark because I cannot see what the future holds. Dear Lord, I ask that you help me and shine your light on my path so I can see what lies ahead and be sure of your will for my life.
- If you are not in this decision, Lord, I do not want to make it. Help my heart to know what you want from me, lead me into your perfect will for me, and cause me to not wander of the path you have laid out for me.
- Father, I ask that you show me your mind on the decision before me. You have led me thus far and I am not going to move on my on. I want you to lead me and show me the path to take, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I thank you for opening my eyes to see all that you need me to know concerning the decisions before me. I am sure that by your Spirit I will make a decision that pleases your heart and that you are involved in.
A Short Prayer for Guidance and Wisdom
Father, I thank you for your continued help in my life, especially with how you have guided me over the years. Lord, I am grateful that you have shown yourself to be my guide and your wisdom has provided me with insight. Father, I ask that your Spirit continues to guide me and may my heart never be void of your wisdom. Through your guidance and wisdom, I will navigate the world and not take the wrong steps in life.