10 Powerful Prayers for Safe Delivery of Pregnancy with Bible Verses

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Expectant mothers need a lot of prayers. It is important to say prayers for safe delivery of pregnancy because it is no small feat. As a husband or a family, this article shows some of the best ways to pray for the safe delivery of a pregnant woman.

They are prayers you can pray even as a pregnant woman. You can pray for them yourself or ask people to pray for you. Let’s get into them already. 

Prayers for Safe Delivery of Pregnancy

Table of Contents

10 Prayers for Safe Delivery of Pregnancy 

The following are important prayer points for safe delivery you can engage when praying for someone who’s pregnant or if you are pregnant:

  1. Father, thank you for the grace to carry this baby. I request for more strength to carry this baby until my expected day of delivery, in the name of Jesus. 
  2. Heavenly Father, I ask that the baby(ies) in my womb will continuing to grow healthily with no complications. I command that they are safe in my womb and no power of hell can hurt them.
  3. Father, I ask that when it is time to deliver the baby, may I be strengthened to push. I wouldn’t be weak in the labor ward, in Jesus name. 
  4. Father, today, we come against any ploy of darkness to kill the baby and the mother during this pregnancy or at delivery in the name of Jesus. 
  5. Lord, any evil health practitioner that might be on duty, we render them powerless. They will be absent on the day or missing in action. No harm shall befall the mother and the baby, in the name of Jesus 
  6. Father, you are God who is perfect and nothing evil comes from you. We pray against any complications that may want to happen during this pregnancy or that may disrupt the safe delivery of the baby, in the name of Jesus 
  7. Father, there shall be no errors from doctors and midwives in the name of Jesus. Every doctor and midwife on duty will be used by God for the safe delivery of the baby. 
  8. Father, we ask for the speedy delivery of the baby. We come against the agenda of the devil to cause prolonged labor. The baby will be out before anyone realizes in the name of Jesus
  9. Lord, we pray that throughout the pregnancy, during delivery, and after delivery, you will keep the baby and mother in perfect health, in the name of Jesus 
  10. Father, we thank you for the successful delivery, Lord. Accept our thanksgiving as I am sure you have done it. 

For each of the prayers for safe delivery of pregnancy, I have provided context and relevant scriptures to help strengthen your faith as you pray. 

Father, Thank You For The Grace To Carry This Baby. I Request For More Strength To Carry This Baby Until My Expected Day Of Delivery, In The Name Of Jesus. 

This is a prayer of thanksgiving that is followed by a request. You are acknowledging God who has given the strength to the mother for carrying the baby up to whatever point she now is while asking for grace to continue until the day of delivery. 

In Zechariah 4 verse 6, the Bible says 

not by might nor by power verse

The Bible also says in Philippians 1:6, 

Phil 1:6

It is not because we are so strong that we are able to bear a life growing in us. God’s help and strength has brought the pregnant mother thus far and it is important to acknowledge this and pray for more grace to continue. 

And God is committed to completing every good thing that He starts in our lives. 

Pray this prayer:

  • Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for how far you have brought me with this pregnancy. I realize that you are the One who made conception possible and has helped me carry the baby up to this point. Thank you, Lord, for such a blessing. Father, I ask that you continue to give me the grace to carry this Baby, in the name of Jesus 

Heavenly Father, I Ask That The Baby(Ies) In My Womb Will Continuing To Grow Healthily With No Complications. I Command That They Are Safe In My Womb And No Power Of Hell Can Hurt Them

As a mother, this is a prayer for your unborn baby that you should pray earnestly. There is life growing inside of you and a prayer for their continued health is one powerful one you shouldn’t ignore. 

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says, 

and the gates of hell shall not prevail verse

When we hand over the life and sustenance of anything to God, He is ever ready to keep it from harm. This is also expressed in Psalm 91:10,

no evil shall befall you verse

Pray in this manner:

  • Father, I ask that you keep the baby in my womb and stop any evil from befalling him/her. Lord, continue to give my baby health and discomfit the plans of hell against the health and safety of my baby. 

Father, I Ask That When It Is Time To Deliver The Baby, May I Be Strengthened To Push. I Wouldn’t Be Weak In The Labor Ward, In Jesus Name

One of the best prayers for pregnant women is that they will be strengthened to push. There are a lot of cases where babies die because the mother became too weak to push and the baby was already at a point where they had to just be pushed out.

Such complications will not befall you as a pregnant woman or the person you are praying for. Strength is needed and there is a provision for strength in God like we see in Psalms 20:2,

strengthen you out of zion verse


  • In the name of Jesus, Father, I ask that when the expected day of delivery comes, the mother will receive strength to push. She is strengthened with the strength of the Spirit and never weak even on the day of delivery. 

Father, Today, We Come Against Any Ploy Of Darkness To Kill The Baby And The Mother During This Pregnancy Or At Delivery In The Name Of Jesus

Sometimes, the devil might be plotting to cause harm to both the baby and its mother during delivery which makes this prayer for safe delivery of pregnancy very important. 

The devil is always out to make waste of the plans and purposes of God. Through prayers, we can stop him dead in his tracks. 

We are going to pray this prayer with Jeremiah 29:11 which talks about the plans of God for us being of good and not evil to give us an expected end. 

The pregnancy will have an expected end which is safe delivery and the health of both mother and child, 

  • Father, the plans of the devil concerning this pregnancy and the mother will not stand. Only your perfect plan will stand. We come against any ploy of darkness to cause harm to the health of the baby and the mother, in the name of Jesus. 

Lord, Any Evil Health Practitioner That Might Be On Duty, We Render Them Powerless. They Will Be Absent On The Day Or Missing In Action. No Harm Shall Befall The Mother And The Baby, In The Name Of Jesus

Not everyone is as friendly or human as you may think. There are actual agents of the devil everywhere and we encounter them as we go about daily. 

I have seen so many health practitioners who are witches and their mission is to kill newborn lives. You do not need to fret because the Bible already told us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). 

The Bible also lets us know that. 

frustrates the devices of the crafty verse

So pray this prayer:

  • Father, any evil doctor or nurse on assignment against the expectant mother and her baby, we come against them right now. They will be powerless to carry out their mission. God, we ask that you send your angels to be in the labor ward with her, dismantling every plan of darkness over the mother and the baby. 

Father, You Are God Who Is Perfect And Nothing Evil Comes From You. We Pray Against Any Complications That May Want To Happen During This Pregnancy Or That May Disrupt The Safe Delivery Of The Baby, In The Name Of Jesus

This is another prayer for safe delivery of pregnancy that is very important. It addresses the occurrence of complications that may happen during the pregnancy or labor which could prevent safe delivery. 

There are so many things that could go wrong medically but our trust is not in medicine but in God and no complication is more powerful than Him. 

  • Father, you are the Almighty and there’s nothing too difficult for you to do. Today, we ask that no evil shall befall the pregnant mother and that every complication that is waiting to happen is neutralized and pronounced dead on arrival, in the name of Jesus. 

Father, There Shall Be No Errors From Doctors And Midwives In The Name Of Jesus. Every Doctor And Midwife On Duty Will Be Used By God For The Safe Delivery Of The Baby

A lot of times I have seen errors from health practitioners that have caused problems for mothers and their babies. 

We do not care how often a doctor or midwife makes mistakes or whether they make mistakes at all. All we know is, there would be no errors when it is your turn to deliver. 

  • Heavenly Father, we pray that there shall be no mistakes and errors from doctors and other labor ward practitioners. Everyone that would attend to her would be an instrument for your good use, in the name of Jesus. 

Father, We Ask For The Speedy Delivery Of The Baby. We Come Against The Agenda Of The Devil To Cause Prolonged Labor. The Baby Will Be Out Before Anyone Realizes In The Name Of Jesus

One of the best prayers for safe delivery of pregnancy is praying against prolonged labor. There are so many things that can go wrong when labor becomes prolonged. 

In Exodus 1:19, the midwives told Pharoah that the Hebrew women were giving birth so fast that it was difficult to carry out his order to kill their male sons. 

Not only does giving birth speedily serve good purposes for mother and child, but it also prevents the devil from perfecting his plans. 

  • Father, when labor begins, it will be fast and seamless. There shall be no delay because the Hand of the Lord will be on her and she will function under divine covering, speed, and strength, Lord, in the name of Jesus. 

Lord, We Pray That Throughout The Pregnancy, During Delivery, And After Delivery, You Will Keep The Baby And Mother In Perfect Health, In The Name Of Jesus 

This is another way to pray for safe delivery of pregnancy. Here, we are asking that God will keep the mother and her baby in health throughout the stages of pregnancy and even after delivery. 

A successful pregnancy is not one that just involves giving birth alone. It also refers to the baby growing and living their lives with their parent. 

Father, We Thank You For The Successful Delivery, Lord. Accept Our Thanksgiving As I Am Sure You Have Done It

After praying, we thank God for the successful delivery because we are confident He has done it. We do not need to wait until it happens physically. When we pray, we believe that He has heard and answered us. 

In John 14:14, Jesus says

ask anything in my name, I will do it verse

So, go ahead and appreciate God for answering the prayers for safe delivery of pregnancy we have said. 

Final Thoughts 

I expect that you are going to pray for each of the listed prayer points. They are all important and they are needed for the safe delivery of the pregnancy, the health of the mother and child, and the preservation of their life even after delivery. 

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