Sermon on Diligence: A Key to Greatness

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Do you want to preach a sermon on Diligence and you are looking for a good resource to help you plan your message? Look no further because in this article on Sermon on Diligence: A Key to Greatness, I have provided a short but concise sermon outline to help you.

Sermon on Diligence: a key to greatness

The sermon is replete with scriptures to help you craft your message well. You could build on it or add to what you have gotten already.

Sermon on Diligence: A Key to Greatness (Outline)

Text: Proverbs 22:29 

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.


The goal of this sermon is in two folds: 

  1. To understand what diligence is about and why it is important 
  2. To learn what makes diligence connect us to greatness and how we can deploy this key 


When we think of diligence from a biblical standpoint, Proverbs 22:29 is the first scripture that our minds race to. Rightly so, this scripture shows us how powerful diligence is. It is important to note the following as we proceed: 

  1. God doesn’t encourage mediocrity. He told the Children of Israel to labour six days in the week and rest on the seventh day. We only rest when we have laboured (Exodus 20:9-10)
  2. Wealth and riches aren’t by chance. They are by conscious, consistent, and strategic efforts. Get quick rich mentality is wrong and unscriptural. Work and value is what produces wealth and not the other way round. 
  3. The throne isn’t ascended to casually. What this means is you don’t rise to the top of your career, business, or society casually. You can’t be on top when you are not in the 1% of society that take life seriously, have a vision, and pursue it diligently.
  4. Diligence is not for getting wealth alone but for getting anything out of life. From our pursuit of God to relationships to academics to career and much more. 

In all of these, the important point is diligence towards any pursuit is capable of leading you into greatness, abundance, and relevance. Moving on, we are going to discuss four ways that Diligence helps us become great. These are truths from scriptures that prove that Diligence is truly a key to greatness. 

Four Ways Diligence Acts as a Key to Greatness 

The following are ways diligence connects us to greatness: 

Diligence Opens The Door To Riches (Financial Prosperity) 

Except you want to live in penury, lack, and want, diligence in whatever your hand finds to do is paramount. The Bible records in Proverbs 10:4,

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

Two things are recorded in this scripture we just read: 

  • Poverty is the portion of anyone who refuses to put his hand to diligent use
  • The hands of the diligent make rich 

If you desire to be wealthy, you want to have a fat bank account, then you must be ready to put your hands to work. You must be willing to go beyond the norm. The status quo as regards work and labor is something you must be comfortable with exceeding. 

Diligence Makes You Walk on Abundance 

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase. – Proverbs 13:11.

True wealth, wealth that isn’t fleeting doesn’t come by chance. It comes by work, actual work and not dishonest means. The Bible says that anyone who gathers by labor shall increase. This is a fact which is backed by the authority of scriptures. If you work, what you have shall be increased. 

Diligence helps you get and makes you increase. A man who is diligent doesn’t rest on victories. For him, success is not a goal accomplished. He is not just chasing money but trying to be a blessing and a man of impact. That is a goal that cannot be achieved with a few billion dollars. 

For the diligent man, there’s no room for idleness. He is purposeful always. Look at the men who are considered the richest in the world today. They aren’t on yachts partying or vacationing. They are consistently on their business plugging away. 

One time Bishop David Oyedepo said he hasn’t gone on vacation one day and he believes all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is a lazy person’s mentality. 

He told his audience that despite having not gone on a vacation a single day, they can outline the fruits of his labor. It is that simple. This is not to say don’t rest. But if you diligently worked to get a few resources, it would take even more diligence to keep it and make it multiply. 

Lazy People Are Always at the Mercy of the Diligent 

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute. – Proverbs 12:24.

Lazy people will be compelled to beg and it is because they are not willing to work and will not have resources for themselves. What will they resort to? Begging, of course. 

This automatically puts the one borrowing at the mercy of the lender. The diligent will have enough resources and they are the ones the poor will come to when they need intervention. 

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. – Proverbs 22:7. 

There’s no going around this. When you have, you automatically become the head of anyone who comes to you to borrow. 

Diligence Helps You Think Creatively to Make Wealth 

The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want. – Proverbs 21:5. 

Diligence is not always about working with your hands. It also means working with your mind. It is not the hardest workers that are the richest but the smartest. However, you cannot think smart when you have not made up your mind to be diligent. That is what the scripture says in Proverbs 21:5. 

You are going to begin to think creatively for better ways to get the job done when you are diligent already. Your diligent approach to what you do will configure your mind to think creatively and the Bible says those thoughts lead to plenty or abundance. 


  1. Decide today to put your hands to work. “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you” –  1 Thessalonians 4:11.
  2. Determine to work hard and be unrelenting in the labor of your hands. “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;” – Romans 12:11. 
  3. Trust God to give you ideas that will ultimately lead to plenty. “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” – Deuteronomy 8:18. 


  1. Father, energize me and cause me to become a hardworking person 
  2. Oh Lord, I am sorry for wasting your investment and trust in me through laziness. Lord, I ask that you give me the grace to take work seriously and bring glory to your name. 
  3. Lord, give me insight and revelation that will help me generate wealth and be a blessing to the church, my family, and the society at large.

Final Thoughts 

I am optimistic you’ve found value from this sermon note on Diligence: A Key to Greatness. This is going to help you build up on what you have or give you a foundation to build on. If you want a specially curated sermon for your church, you can send an email to me through the contact page.

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