15 Prayers Against Reproach with Bible Verses

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prayers against reproach with bible verses

Are you facing one reproach or the other? In this piece, I am going to show you a long list of prayers against reproach that are inspired and aimed to help you come out of whatever ordeal you are facing and be all that God expects you to be. 

Reproach according to the Bible refers to shame, disgrace, or dishonor as a result of sin, failure, or unfavorable circumstances. It can also involve rejection, mockery, or criticism by society.

In the Bible, reproach is often associated with:

  • Sin and guilt (Psalm 69:7-9, Jeremiah 51:51)
  • Shame and humiliation (Psalm 44:13-16, Isaiah 47:3)
  • Disgrace and dishonor (Proverbs 14:34, Ezekiel 36:20)
  • Rejection and mockery (Psalm 22:6-8, Matthew 27:27-31)
  • Spiritual shame and loss of reputation (1 Corinthians 4:10-13, 2 Corinthians 6:8)

Thankfully, the Bible tells us that:

  1. God can turn every reproach into praise (Psalm 71:11, Isaiah 61:7)
  2. Jesus was hung on the tree with our reproaches, so we are free indeed, hallelujah (Hebrews 12:2-3, 13:13)
  3. By faith and steadfastness, believers can overcome all of these problems (Romans 8:28-39, 2 Corinthians 4:7-18).

I know we may feel alone when these things happen continuously, but knowing that our fathers of old also went through reproaches but finally got victory in the end. 

Prayers Against Reproach

One thing about ‘Reproach’ is that it can bring unending shame and disgrace, and it brings discouragement if it isn’t stopped at the gate.

Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore. – Isaiah 54:4

O my God, I trust in You; let me not be ashamed; let not my enemies triumph over me. – Psalm 25:2. 


  • My Father and my God, I come against every spirit of reproach perching around or living within, by fire I consume that spirit in the name of Jesus.

Prayer for the Restoration of Honor

One thing to know about reproach is that it often takes away one’s dignity and honor. God’s promise of restoration is powerful. We should have faith and assurance that God can and will repay the years lost to shame and reproach, filling our lives with His glory and honor.

So I will restore to you the years that the swaXrming locust has eaten… And My people shall never be put to shame. – Joel 2:25-26. 

At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you; I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame. – Zephaniah 3:19-20. 


  • Abba, Let every area where I have suffered shame be filled with Your glory and honor. 
  • May my life be filled with a double portion of Your blessings and favor, and let my testimony be that of a life saved from reproach. Let everyone who sees me acknowledge the wonders You have done, In Jesus’ name.

Prayers for Overcoming Shame and Disgrace

Another thing that reproach brings is shame and disgrace. This is why we must pray these prayers. 

For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame. – Romans 10:11

They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. – Psalm 34:5


  • Oh Lord, Let Your righteousness cover me and protect me from any plots or schemes that seek to bring shame upon me. 
  • I declare that my life is hidden in You, and I will not be put to shame before my enemies, in the name of Jesus.

Prayers to Break Family Patterns and Generational Curses 

Sometimes, when things happen in our lives we may be too stunned to realize that it is something that has happened in the past in our families. Reproach can sometimes be a result of generational curses. 

Now this prayer focuses on breaking every chain of generational shame and disgrace.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us. – Galatians 3:13. 

The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. – Ezekiel 18:20. 


  • My Father, I stand before You on behalf of myself and my family, I plead for Your mercy and deliverance from every generational reproach that has plagued us.
  • I know that the sins of our fathers may have opened doors for reproach, but I stand in this gap today, by the blood of Jesus, I break every chain of generational shame. I renounce and reject every curse of reproach passed down through my lineage.

Prayers for Courage to Face and Overcome Reproach

Following Christ sometimes means facing persecution, but His example gives us the courage to stand firm.

Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore. – Hebrews 13:13. 


  • Lord Jesus, You bore reproach and shame for my sake, and now by faith and hope in you I ask for the courage to bear any reproach that comes from following You. 
  • Lord, give me the strength and courage to stand firm in my faith, even when it means facing disgrace or ridicule, In Jesus name, Amen.

Prayers for Rebuilding What Has Been Torn Down

They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. – Isaiah 61:4. 

You, who have shown me many troubles and calamities, will revive me again. From the depths of the earth, you will bring me up again. – Psalm 71:20-21. 


  • Heavenly Father, As You rebuild, make me stronger and wiser. Help me to see the lessons in the pain and to use them for growth and transformation.
  • Let Your Spirit renew me, revive me, and restore me to a place of honor and purpose. May my life be a testament to Your power and glory.

Prayers for Overcoming the Fear of Reproach

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. – Psalm 34:4-5 


  • Lord, I lay before You every fear of reproach, stagnation, dishonor, disappointment, or disgrace that has held me back/that is keeping me stagnant, I decree and declare freedom in the name of Jesus.
  • Help me to fix my eyes on You and You alone, so that I may live without the burden of fear. May my face shine with the light of Your presence in my life, and may I walk in boldness.

Prayers for Wisdom in the Face of Criticism 

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. – James 1:5


  • Oh God, grant me wisdom to know how to respond to criticism and reproach, and help me not to take it personally, for I know that trials and temptation will arise, but Lord help me to find comfort in prayers in Jesus name
  • Father, give me wisdom that will help me navigate difficult situations and respond in a Godly way in Jesus name. Amen

Prayers for Thick Sin

Sometimes, you will need to endure the mockery that comes with reproach. This is important so that your faith doesn’t dwindle and your prayers become ineffective. 

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. – Ephesians 6:11-18. 


  • Lord, give me thick skin to withstand the attacks of others, and help me not to be easily offended, help me find peace in these situations in Jesus name.

Biblical Examples of People Who Faced Reproach

Sometimes, you may think you are alone but that isn’t true. These examples from the Bible will help you see how you aren’t the only one who has had to face one problem or the other. 


Because the Lord had closed Hannah’s womb, her rival kept provoking her to irritate her. This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. – 1 Samuel 1:6-7

Hannah faced reproach because she was barren. I believe that in her culture, being unable to bear children was in fact a disgrace and to some extent it happens in our time, and Peninnah, her husband’s other wife, mocked her mercilessly because of it.

But Hannah prayed fervently to the Lord, and God answered her prayer by giving her a son, Samuel. Her reproach was lifted, and she became the mother of one of Israel’s greatest prophets. 


He has alienated my family from me; my acquaintances are completely estranged from me. My relatives have gone away; my closest friends have forgotten me. My guests and my female servants count me a foreigner; they look on me as on a stranger. I summon my servant, but he does not answer, though I beg him with my own mouth. My breath is offensive to my wife; I am loathsome to my own family. Even the little boys scorn me; when I appear, they ridicule me. – Job 19:13-19 

We all know the story of Job and sometimes I think about everything he went through and I question my faith. 

Job endured severe reproach from his friends, family, and even his servants after he lost his wealth, health, and children. They assumed his suffering was a result of hidden sin, leading to social and emotional isolation.

Job maintained his integrity and faith in God despite not understanding why he was suffering. God eventually restored Job’s fortunes, giving him twice as much as he had before and lifting the reproach that had fallen upon him.

Jesus Christ

…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. – Hebrews 12:2. 

Jesus endured the ultimate reproach on the cross. He was mocked, beaten, and crucified in a humiliating manner, even the Father turned his face before off the weight of the sins of the world. The cross was a symbol of shame and disgrace, yet Jesus embraced it to fulfill His mission and we are enjoying the results of this reproach today.

Jesus scorned the shame of the cross, knowing the joy that was set before Him—the salvation of humanity. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus transformed the symbol of reproach into a symbol of victory and salvation.

Final Thoughts

Reproach in the Bible refers to the negative consequences of sin, failure, or unfavorable circumstances, but also highlights God’s power to transform and redeem us from shame and disgrace. May we find peace in the midst of our storms in Jesus mighty name, Amen. 

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  1. Thank you!
    I am blessed and free from the Spirit of reproach because of these prayers.

    It was revealed to me in a dream and a sermon from Joshua Selman helped me interpret it. Thank God for rest.

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