Short Sermon On God Of Possibilities [Outline]

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If you want to preach a short sermon on God of Possibilities and you feel stuck, this post will give you inspiration on how to go about this in the best way possible. The topic, God of Possibilities, is a very interesting one as it opens our eyes to the dimensions of God and how the God we serve is not limited by anything that we think is difficult or overwhelming. 

Short Sermon On God Of Possibilities

As you continue to read, you will learn about God and how to craft a short sermon on God of Possibilities. 

A Short Sermon on the God of Possibilities

This is an outline for a sermon of this nature:

  1. Introduction 
  2. Objective 
  3. Main Text 
  4. Proofs that God is a God of Possibilities 
  5. How to Get God to Act in Our Lives and Situations
  6. God of Possibilities Prayers 
  7. Counsel 


The Bible is brimming with stories of God exceeding expectations, defying logic, and turning hopeless situations into breathtaking triumphs. From the parting of the Red Sea to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God consistently demonstrates His ability to do what seems humanly impossible. 

He doesn’t just work within our limitations; He transcends them. He breaks the mold, shatters the ceilings, and rewrites the rules. This God, this God of possibilities, isn’t confined by our understanding or our circumstances. He’s a God who specializes in miracles.


This short sermon on God of Possibilities is aimed at making the believer understand how there is nothing too difficult or hard for God to do. It also aims to help Christians to know how to ensure they see the dimensions of God’s possibilities in their lives. 

Main Texts:

Jeremiah 32:27, Luke 1:37

Proofs that God is a God of Possibilities:

There are several examples from the scriptures that back up the claim that God is a God of Possibilities. We are going to see from the scriptures how there is validation for the fact that there is nothing too hard for God to do. 

The Creation of the World by His Word 

When you read through the book of Genesis chapter 1, we see the novel story of creation. It is incredible when you consider the world as it is today and you see that everything was just created by words. 

How the firmaments were formed, how life came into the ocean, how the lands were separated from the seas, how biological operations began, and so on can be hard to grasp that these all came by the spoken words of a being. 

Aside from the fact that we cannot see God physically, the sophistication of the world we live in makes it difficult for the average mind to believe that only one person made all of that. It is even more hard to believe when you hear of how He achieved this feat. 

The world’s creation with words shows how incredibly great and mighty God is. A God who can make the world as it is today, what can He not do?

The Conception of Isaac 

Another proof that we serve the God of Possibilities is evident in the conception of Isaac. God promised Abraham and Sarah a son in their old age. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 but yet they conceived Isaac. 

The conception of Isaac was biologically impossible. There was no way that biology or any field of science could explain the possibility of such an experience happening. This shows that even though God set nature in order and natural processes, He can bypass these processes to suit His agenda and entrench His purposes. 

Mary’s Conception of Jesus 

This is another proof that’s related to the previous one. It is interesting to note that Jesus was not conceived by the natural, expected copulation between a man and a woman. Today, we could argue that there was artificial insemination which was why Joseph didn’t need to sleep with Mary for her to conceive Jesus. 

In those days, medical processes were not advanced. The Bible clearly says that the child was conceived by the Holy Ghost:

conceived of the holy ghost verse

The Feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000 Men 

In Matthew 14 and 15, you will find what is to me the most unbelievable story ever. It is the feeding of 5000 men and 4000 men respectively without counting women and children. 

We can find these accounts in Matthew 14:14-20 and 15:32-37. In Matthew 14, Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fishes and fed thousands of people while the Matthew 15 account says there were seven loaves and few fishes. 

What I find more surprising is not the feeding of the thousands with this meager food quantity. There are two things you will see from both scriptures. When you read Matthew 14:20

Matthew 14:20

The Bible records that they ate and were filled. This was not the case of they managed the food. They were filled. They had eaten to the point that there were 12 baskets full. 

How do five loaves of bread and two fishes feed 5000 men excluding women and children? Then, they were now satisfied enough that there were about 12 baskets of bread and fishes left. It defies the law of Economics and arithmetic. 

In Matthew 15:37, we see a similar disclosure;


They all ate and were satisfied and there were remnants. 

The Resurrection of Jesus 

I believe that the ultimate demonstration of how God handles impossibilities with ease is in the resurrection of Jesus. 

We can look at the resurrection alone and just dismiss it as a regular miracle like Lazarus (John 11:43-44) or Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:21-43). 

But when you consider that through the death and resurrection of Jesus mankind was freed from the yoke and bondage of sin, then you might appreciate it as a bigger miracle than just a resurrection. 

Thanks to Jesus’ death and resurrection, the condemnation that was made for us passed us and now we have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 

Now, the big question is how to get God to show His ability to do the impossible in our lives, business, career, ministry, and other aspects of our lives. 

How to Get God to Act in Your Life and Situation

Knowing God is the God of possibilities is one thing; experiencing His power in your life is another. Here are some key steps:

1. Have Faith in God

Faith is the foundation to receive anything or do anything with God. If you do not believe that God is able to do the impossible, you will not see Him do it. 

Believe wholeheartedly in God’s ability to work miracles in your life, even when circumstances seem insurmountable. (Mark 11:24)

2. Pray 

After we have dealt with the issue of faith, it is important to engage prayers. Persistent, heartfelt prayer opens the channels of communication with God. Pour out your heart, your needs, and your desires before Him.

3. Be Ready to Obey

If you are going to see the hand of God do the impossible in your life, then you should be ready to obey. 

God often works through obedience. Be willing to step out in faith, even when it feels uncomfortable or illogical. He may lead you in unexpected directions.

Jesus asked Peter to walk on water and in obedience when Peter stepped out he did walk on water (Matthew 14:28). This same Peter obeyed the instruction of Jesus even when it seemed unnecessary and he caught a lot of fishes after toiling all night (Luke 5:5-6). 

God of Possibilities Prayers

After your sermon, you should lead the congregation in a few prayers. These are some of the prayers that can be said during the worship:

  1. Father, we ask that you enlarge our hearts and make us more believing so that we can see your hand at work in our lives
  2. Oh Lord, take away any form of unbelief in our life that is limiting the flow of your power in our lives
  3. Lord, we ask that you make us willing to obey the instructions that will usher us into the realm of impossibilities in the name of Jesus 
  4. Father, in our lives, families, and nation, prove that you are truly the God of possibilities.

Final Thoughts

The God of possibilities isn’t a distant, uninvolved deity; He’s a loving Father who desires to bless and empower His children. He longs to break through the barriers in your life and reveal His incredible power. Embrace this truth, believe in the impossible, and watch God work miracles in your life. He’s waiting to unleash His possibilities on you! 


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