Powerful Short Sermon Outline for Prayer Meeting

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If you are going to preach at a prayer meeting, the sermon has to be short and then it has to come with the word of God about prayer that can aid the prayer engagement. This short sermon outline for prayer meeting picks a unique emphasis so that when it is time to pray everyone can pray with zest and vigor. 

short sermon outline for Prayer meeting

You can read this if you need something to prepare your heart ahead of a prayer meeting. Whether you want a full sermon on prayer or just a short charge ahead of a session of prayer, this short sermon outline for prayer meeting will help you do something worthwhile. 

Short Sermon Outline for Prayer Meeting 

For the outline, this is what it will look like:

  1. Introduction 
  2. Topic: 3 Keys for Prayer Answered 
  3. Objective 
  4. Three Keys for Answers to Prayers 
    1. Praying with desperation 
    2. Praying with faith 
    3. Praying with the right thoughts 
  5. Conclusion 

Now let’s get into it. 


Prayer is an established system of communication between man and God which makes it an important pillar of the Christain faith. 

Through prayers, we fellowship with God, implement His kingdom’s purposes on Earth, gain access to spiritual wisdom and understanding, fight the good fight of faith, and much more. 

We are here to pray but then there are keys that makes prayers to be answered. There are things the person praying must know or become for him/her to have the answers of the things they are praying for. 

Let’s quickly look at them before we get into praying today.


Our topic is “Keys to Prayer Answered”

Text: Matthew 7:7

ask and you shall receive verse


The objective of this short sermon for this prayer meeting is to give us a charge that will help us pray and receive answers to our prayers. It will remind us of some necessary keys for praying the way God expects us to pray. 

Let’s get into it. 

Three Keys for Prayers Answered 

If we want our prayers to be answered, there are three important things we must note from the scriptures. We are going to see just three of those keys. 

Praying with Desperation 

One of the most important keys to answered prayers is praying with desperation. Desperation in prayer was one of the messages Jesus tried to communicate in the famous parable in Luke 18. When you read the chapter, you will see the account of a woman who wanted to be avenged. 

This woman kept coming to the judge despite his refusal to grant her what she was requesting. It is only desperation that will make you keep praying when what you have been trusting God for hasn’t arrived yet. 

Jesus asks us in Luke 18:7 

Luke 18:7

Even though it seems like God is taking too long to respond, will we be willing to keep calling on Him?

This is the quality we see in the life of Elijah and as scriptures rightly puts it, Elijah was just like us. 

Elijah was a man of like passion verse

The book of James doesn’t do justice to how much Elijah prayed for rain to come. While it doesn’t tell us how long Elijah prayed to stop rain from falling, we can see from 1 Kings 18:41-44 that Elijah sent his servant seven times to check the clouds which means Elijah prayed seven times – that’s desperation. 

Even Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed thrice. While sometimes we can receive the answer to our prayers instantaneously, it is important to know that there are times when God in His sovereignty might decide to withhold the answer to our prayers until we have shown Him enough desperation. 

Let us pray with zeal and fervor, showing God how desperate we are for His intervention in our lives. 

Praying with Faith 

The second key that is really important to consider when we want to pray and receive answers is to pray with and in faith. 

Faith is expressed in three dimensions:

  1. Faith in the existence of God (Hebrews 11:6) 
  2. Faith in the ability of God to HEAR our prayers (Psalms 65:2)
  3. Faith in God’s ability to answer our prayers (John 14:13; 15:16; 16:23)

The God we are praying to is not dead. He is like Hebrews 1:6 says. And what He is includes a prayer answering God, a God that loves His children and would not give them stones when they ask for bread, a God that never sleeps nor slumbers – that’s who He is. 

We do not serve or pray to a God who is deaf and cannot hear us when we cry. Like Elijah taunted the prophets of Baal, no one can taunt us to say we serve a God that cannot hear us. Our God can see and He can hear our prayers. 

It is most comforting to know that Jesus urges us to pray to God because what we say to Him in prayers is what He will do. 

All of these are supposed to build our faith when we pray. We have faith that our God is alive, He hears our prayers, and He is capable of answering our prayers. 

When we pray, we do not entertain doubt in our hearts because God also listens to the prayers of our hearts. 

Which brings us to the final key. 

Praying with the Right Thoughts 

Finally for this sermon, praying with the right thoughts is crucial for us to make the most out of our prayers. 

That is what Ephesians 3:20 says;

able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think

When we ask in prayers, God is able to do is as we have seen from His word but then there’s another side to the equation, the fact that God also checks what we think and wants to answer that too. 

If you pray to God for healing and in your heart, you think about dying, you are being double-minded and God would not be willing to answer your prayers. 

Even though James talks about wisdom, we can apply it to every other thing. 

James 15-7

Anyone who wants to receive anything from God should ask in faith and not doubt. Doubt is expressed in thinking thoughts that do not align with your requests in prayer. 

As we come to God in prayer, we must keep these three keys in mind: the key of desperation, faith, and the right thoughts if we will get the answers we seek. 

Final Thoughts

I believe that this short sermon outline for prayer meeting will get you revived and ready to pray. If you want more keys for prayers that you can use when you want to get the people ready to pray, reach out to me via the contact page. 

It is possible that I may provide other topics under this short sermon outline for prayer meeting. They will be posted here or I will create a new piece for it.

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